Science Pack Galore

by Semenar

Add lots of types of science packs to spice up your set-ups with additional production lines! Includes 36 new science packs.

3 years ago

g Compatibility in MSP

3 years ago

If I strongly want hell in the number of different research packages in the build, will MSP work together with SPG?

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Maybe, I did not test it. Note that MSP is less flexible and can break with mods.

If you really want hell, I might look into making the number of science packs an experimental setting.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

I currently have MSP and Momo Tweaks in the build (2 versions)
Together, MSP and SPG give this picture:
Another interesting comparison: (Some crafting recipes have been changed in the build and some items have been "removed" from the game. Therefore, in principle, all recipes will have to be rewritten manually)
By the way, I noticed a problem now, MSP-29 is not changed in the output quantity. What do I mean by the output quantity? In the settings of the MSP itself, I set the Hardest level, in the settings of Momo Tweaks, I also unscrewed the most difficult level for MSP
It is not very difficult for me to change the crafts for all research packages and their output number for the assembly, I just need to understand in parallel whether there is a closed circle in the technology tree. We already had 2 moments when we could not get an MSP-6 to open the research further. I had to move it to an earlier version of the research. Some recipes may disappear due to the assembly itself, I have already said this. I also fix this myself in the assembly with my modification. It would be very convenient if you added a configuration for the mod with the output amount of each additional research package. Well, there are a lot of moments that I will remember in the course of developing and updating my build (I have to go through it myself, so that there are no holes in the passage that interfere with achieving the goal)

3 years ago

And although, you know, I just thought, why not make it so that both MSP and SPG will exist together, but there will be a small amendment - EITHER msp-1 OR spg-1 will be required (this is an example). Let's say that we have reached some stage of technology and have already played enough time, developed well. Now we have access to new production technologies and the like. I think it is possible to implement a similar mechanism that will give a choice for research - through MSP or SPG. For example, I have an additional research package (MSP), which I get from saphirite and styratite, since I can't get iron and copper in the first stages of the game. With 4 ores (2 of different types), I get only 1 msp-1. Having reached some technology, I open spg-1, which works instead of msp-1, but at the same time it is made from 2 ores (2 iron and 2 copper) and as a result we will get not 1 unit, but 2. That is, new production technologies.

Is it possible to implement such a method that each subsequent study will require either msp-1 or spg-1? (it is advisable to understand how to configure and choose it, because there will obviously be some problems in the first minutes). Or I can change the output in the recipe myself. For example, we do spg-1 according to the recipe, but we get msp-1 x2 as a result. The only problem then will be that research also requires spg-1. I want to hear your answer about this.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Alright, all of this sounds like you want to create a modpack including MSP and SPG.

You can change SPG recipes freely after the first data stage, it should honor any recipe changes you make. You can even change the output to be an MSP pack (but you will need to remove the SPG pack usage from everywhere in the final phase). I don't think any special handling of this situation from my side is needed, especially since the only MSP version for 1.1 that I saw exhibits a rather strange behaviour (maybe this changed already, I don't know).

Also, I can understand Russian.

3 years ago

Я же могу сам переписать некоторые конфигурации мода своим модом? Например, переместить SPG исследования в другие места, либо просто отключить некоторые, чтобы... Ну, исследования требовали также весь набор MSP + некоторые (например, 5 каких-то из всех 36) из SPG. Думаю, это возможно будет сделать мне в моём моде? Тогда мне не придётся перенастраивать ваш мод, чтобы игроки могли скачать просто мой мод, скачать зависимые моды и запустить сборку со всеми настройками.

3 years ago

Знаешь, у меня есть вопрос. Я смогу просто взять всю программную часть с твоего мода и переписать в свой мод? Либо сделаю свою копию мода с нужными мне настройками? Можно мне так сделать? Тогда я сам пойду разбирать мод по местам.

3 years ago

Ты вполне можешь обойтись без копирования моего кода к себе (иначе придётся самому следить за обновлениями):
1. Добавь мой мод в зависимости;
2. Внеси необходимые изменения в результат работы моего мода в data-final-fixes.lua.

В данном случае тебе хватит удалить/переместить технологии, соответствующие выбранным научным пакетам, и убрать удаляемые пакеты из ингредиентов всех технологий и всех лабораторий (просто перебираешь и data.raw.lab). При удалении технологий надо ещё повозиться с немного перестроенным деревом; можешь в data-updates.lua очистить ингредиенты удаляемые пакетов, чтобы SPG их подвесил к первой попавшейся технологии, так должно быть проще.

Если хочешь копировать код, то можешь, конечно, но укажи в описании своего мода, откуда его взял.

3 years ago

Это я конечно понял, но у меня вечные проблемы с реализацией того, чего я никогда не делал. Я могу с тобой связаться иначе, чтобы обсудить это? Например, дискорд?

3 years ago

Да, можешь. Я там Semenar#7789.

New response