Science Pack Galore

by Semenar

Add lots of types of science packs to spice up your set-ups with additional production lines! Includes 36 new science packs.

3 years ago

b Science nummer 18

3 years ago

Hi Semenar, I am playing a Factorio world with Bob's, Angel and Science Pack Galore. Butt it is the intention to have 'Bulk transfer science', Science nummer 18, in Gun turret and more early game research. Because I don't have the materials to build the ingredients of the science. I need 2 express stack inserter. But its not possible to obtain those items.

Please have a look at this situation.
And thanks a lot.

3 years ago

Thanks, I will check it tomorrow.

3 years ago

I downloaded Angel and Bob's mods, and my Bulk science pack requires express inserters which exist in the modpack, and so the science pack 18 is under the "Stack inserters 2" technology.

Which mods exactly did you use?

3 years ago

Maybe its easier to chat on Discord so I can send you a couple of pictures of the problem. Its a lot easier to explain it that way.

My Discord name is,
Corona Extra#0082

Please add me.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

So, we discussed it a bit on Discord.

My theory of what is actually happening here:
- Bob's mods add a new technology called Stack Inserters 2 and move both vanilla stack inserters unlocks here. It also changes their icons and renames them, no big deal.
- Then, FactorioExtendedPlus-Logistics loads (F > B, so that's the order). It overwrites Stack Inserters 2 technology with its own version that unlocks Express stack inserters. Those ones require vanilla stack inserters.
- Now, vanilla stack inserters (as well as any upgraded versions) are completely unobtainable. My mod just highlights this fact.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

EDIT : THIS IS ABOUT "MSP - 30 new Science Packs" not "Science Pack Galore".

About Science 18, there's a bug or something related to it. It's not gamebreaking, it's just a bit annoying.

I'm playing without any other mod and Science 18 couldn't be found by typing "18" in the search bar (in the research tab).

As soon as Prod Module 1 is researched it works fine (even in the case where you can't research Prod Module 2 yet.)

FYI I did find that I needed to research something related to modules because I've seen on late game researches that Science 18 is named "18 - Modules".

3 years ago

Are you sure this is the right mod?
If I remember correctly, science 18 here has nothing common with modules.

3 years ago

Oh damn... You're right sorry, I thought I was playing Science Pack Galore, but I'm actually playing MSP-30 new Science Packs.

New response