Science Pack Galore

by Semenar

Add lots of types of science packs to spice up your set-ups with additional production lines! Includes 36 new science packs.

3 years ago

i Vary production ratios

3 years ago

Hey Semenar,
Firstly, thanks for putting this mod together - I'm having fun with it. However, I'm finding the ratios a little bit too similar. I'm still on blue assemblers, and aiming at 2 science per second. I'm finding that nearly every build is 7 science assemblers, and then whatever requisite products.

I know it's pretty late now that it's published, but I wonder if you can consider modifying some of the ratios to add some ... variety to the builds?

Anyway, something to consider. Thanks again.

3 years ago

Yeah, this happens since the production time is fixed per science pack and is equal to 0.4 + 0.1 * pack number seconds.

I will think if I can make some alternate arrangements into a setting. Maybe let player input a random science pack craft time seed.

3 years ago

That makes sense. Thanks for responding. I'd love to see some recipes like the production science pack, for example, where there's a large quantity of quick-build items (rail) along with a few long-build (modules). I still haven't got past about pack 25 or 26 or so, so I'll see how the last few work out. Anyway, thanks again.

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