Science Pack Galore

by Semenar

Add lots of types of science packs to spice up your set-ups with additional production lines! Includes 36 new science packs.

3 years ago

g space industries 2 error

3 years ago

kr2, space exploration ok. But combine with space industries 2, error: attempt to compare two nill value

3 years ago

kr2, space exploration ok. But combine with space mining industries 2, error: attempt to compare two nill value

3 years ago

Thanks for the report! This combo does indeed have a problem, going to investigate that now.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Okay, so there is a technology named msi_tech_lock_satellites that locks some late-game stuff before you complete a special mission (it is a hidden technology that has the children of a satellite 'Locked Technology'). My code considers all the techs that are dependent on this one unreachable, because they kinda are: I cannot really know if the locked technology becomes unlocked at some point.

However, the code still works; it only fails if there are two recipes unlocked by unreachable technologies that produce the same item. This creates the situation which is observed.

There is another problem with having unreachable technologies which are not actually that: they don't receive the science packs added by my mod, since they are never reached in the tree traversal.

To fix that, I included the unreachable technology in the calculation as well, with the condition that the unreachable technologies are checked only after all of the normal ones. There was an additional problem with Rocket Silo afterwards, fixed that as well.

Check the 1.0.9 version.
(sorry for the late reply, I lost Internet connection yesterday and was unable to upload the fix back then)

3 years ago

Thank you

New response