ScienceCostTweaker Mod (mexmer)

by mexmer

Allows the cost of research to be tweaked, in terms of count, science packs and time. Edit its configs costs *.lua to tweak the multipliers. - Original mod made by UberWafe, this is adopted version for factorio from version 0.16 until current

11 months ago
0.16 - 1.1

g Cant research tech: Full Spectrum Atomic lab

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Hello! I am using your mod after watch some lets play on youtube and I am loving your mod.

But I think I found a bug. I cant research the tech Full Spectrum Atomic lab even after research all the pre-requisites. The tech remains red colored and I have all other techs necessary to research it. Can you please check it? I have lots of other mods full bobs, full angels, full aai and other biters mods. No other science that modifies tech tree. Except yuoki.

3 years ago

hello, i will need full list of mods and settings, idealy create issue on github and upload mod-list.json and mod-settings.dat

usually this is caused by other mod removing or hidding technology, that is prerequisite for mine.

New response