ScienceCostTweaker Mod (mexmer)

by mexmer

Allows the cost of research to be tweaked, in terms of count, science packs and time. Edit its configs costs *.lua to tweak the multipliers. - Original mod made by UberWafe, this is adopted version for factorio from version 0.16 until current

11 months ago
0.16 - 1.1

b [BobsAngels] Two Green Science Types - Tier 1 Lab only accepts the Bio Token?

4 years ago

I just crafted 20 or so of the Science Pack 2 (I believe it is ATMOS science pack?) in order to start on tier 2 technologies and found out that the 25 starting labs (started me with Electromagnetism Lab) I have set up (which accept T1 and T2 science packs), will only accept "Optimized biome planner" science packs as the T2 science type, which is just a resource for crafting farming resources I believe. I can't find out where this mixup is getting caused, but SCT was one of two mods that showed as editing the recipe so I thought I'd ask here, how can I get around this issue?

So far I've changed line 16 of the 2_technology.lua to read:
["sct-bio-science-pack"] = "logistic-science-pack", in the hopes that it replaces that science pack with the logistic-science-pack (the base T2 science pack). I'll return and leave a response after I test this out. Otherwise I have to make some sort of recipe to convert one to the other if I can't find the root cause and remove it (I may just remove the mod that adds that item, if not the mod then I'll likely just remove the item from the mod and replace it's usage with something similar. Thanks!

4 years ago

bio science pack is from sct and depending on mod setting it can go either to T1 or T2 lab, it is required for some technologies from angels bio and should appear only when angels bio is present.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

bio science pack is from sct and depending on mod setting it can go either to T1 or T2 lab, it is required for some technologies from angels bio and should appear only when angels bio is present.

I saw the technologies for the farms that require it, problem is I thought that green science was able to be entered in T1 labs, so I saw it and thought it completely over-wrote the green science pack (I think I have it set on the T1 setting) in my first labs, but the technologies that require the bio-packs need green science to unlock (at least I thought they did, now I'm second guessing myself... too many mods). Got around the issue though. I think I have it set up now so that the both labs are unlocked at the start for future games and the material for the T2 lab is just the T1 lab + 10s crafting time for the time being. The T2 lab has the red/green/bio slots in it so it doesn't seem like much of a nerf for myself, but thought that option meant something else and assumed T1 came with red/green slots by default and that option just let you use bio as well if you wanted to nerf it down a little. Sorry if this reply is confusing, it's difficult to see what I typed when I can only read 5 lines at a time -_-

4 years ago

There should be lab, that accepts both. I mean in sct bio science pack should go to lab tier2,3,4 and with setting bio to t1, also in tier 1 lab, but you might have tier1 lab overwriten by different mod

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