A multiplayer pve/pvp factorio mod inspired by Oarc mod
- This mod manage enemies evolution per team so you MUST set all evolution factors to 0
- Rail world settings are quite good
- When joining the game you get your own force and your own spawn with starting resources
- Death messages, Researchs, Radars and chat are shared across teams
- Enemies evolution is per team, when a biter nest spawn he become part of a clan which evolve according to the closest team game stats (spawners kill, worms kills, and time played), unfortunately we cannot retrieve per team pollution so the pollution will not infer on biters evolution, pollution will still manage the biters spawn as in vanilla gameplay)
- PvP is enabled, that prevent griefing and stealing and allow turrets to kill other players
- When a player is offline, his buildings can't be destroyed, and enemies will stop targeting his base
- When a player is online, everyone can see him and his position (it's friendly after all, go solo if you don't want too see anyone)
- Real time player list
- Protect electricity