Modifies the concrete and concrete recycling recipes, replacing iron ore with an iron stick. Support for Dectorio's grid concrete.
Small changes concerning balance, gameplay, or graphics.
Furnaces, assembling machines, production chains.
It looks like this mod changes the recycle result of nutrients.
Normally, nutrients recycles into 2-3 spoilage but when it's activated, it's recycling into biter eggs.
Wow, that is unexpected result. I am investigating now, thank you for the report!
Do you have a list of mods that you use? In my testing, nutrients are turning into spoilage as it should.
Edit: It appears the issue is the recycling recipe, continuing to investigate.
I have uploaded version 1.1.4 that should resolve this issue.
Thank you very much for the report, please let me know if you experience any further issues.
I refactored to use the Quality mod to regenerate only specific recycling recipes, version 1.1.5 has been uploaded. No biter eggs.
I also noticed this broke the recycling recipe for uranium-238 (which is supposed to turn into itself), instead it turned into depleted uranium fuel when recycled.
far better now :D thanks for the fix !
Do you still see an issue with Uranium-238? With the current version, for me it shows U-238 recycles to 25% U-238.
sorry for the late answer. No it's all fine, it was resolved at the same time, thanks !