Sane Concrete 2

by 0n0w1c

Modifies the concrete and concrete recycling recipes, replacing iron ore with an iron stick. Support for Dectorio's grid concrete.

2 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

i (Resolved) Recycling Recipe Doesn't Return Sane Ingredients

3 months ago

the recycler from space age allows you to break down items into their component parts, particularly notable on the planet that introduces the recycler, as you mine up a bunch of high-end goods to break them down into their base components. one of the materials that can be found on Fulgora and broken down is Concrete. but instead of returning bricks and iron sticks, it returns bricks and iron ore. this is because recyclers use custom, hidden recipes for each input, and while the concrete recipe has been changed, the concrete recycling recipe hasn't. this also means that, if you're doing recycling loops with concrete to get quality mats, you'll be burning sticks and filling up with a bunch of ore you can't really use for anything.

please consider changing the recycling recipe to also be sane.

3 months ago

Thank you very much for reporting the issue!

Version 1.1.1 has been uploaded.

3 months ago

thanks for the quick update, I've checked it in recipe browser and so far everything looks to be correct (the recipe properly only returns 25% of the goods). now to find out what to do with all this iron ore on my hands... lol

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