Sandro's Fixes

Sorts and organizes the crafting menu and fixes some locals to be more consistent. Currently support for ExtendedAngel, Angel's Bio Processing, Avatars, Bob's Gems from Bob's Metals, Chemicals and Intermediates, Taterjr Space Station, ExtraBobs!, Angels Smelting Train, RampantArsenal, Endgame Combat and more.

4 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

b [ShinyIcons needed] Bob's mk2/mk3/mk4 storage tanks not moved to Angel's tab

5 years ago

Bob's mk2/mk3/mk4 storage tanks not moved to Angel's Barreling and Fluid Control tab after the mk1 storage tank.

5 years ago

They are named storage-tank-2, storage-tank-3, and storage-tank-4.

5 years ago

They should be. Are you using shiny icons?

5 years ago

They are. You are missing ShinyIcons.

5 years ago

Ah, I didn't know ShinyIcons is a prereq for the mod to sort properly, perhaps it should be a non-optional dependency in that case?

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

People where annoyed by it cause the mod sorts some items even without it.
I adjusted the description a bit.

New response