My Trains (Alpha) deprecated

by kiasyn

A simple, easy-to-use, no circuits required train scheduler for people who just want their trains to work.

5 years ago

b Crashes my game

5 years ago

The 1.9 Alpha crashes my game, and when I go to disable it after a restart, it won't let the game even load a saved session. I literally can't get this off my machine. Any help appreciated as it's bricked my game.

5 years ago

Here's the crash message...again...your MOD has bricked my game and refuses to let the game run without it being enabled. Please fix this ASAP! becoming very unhappy here!!!!!!!!

The mod Sam's Trains (ALPHA) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event SamTrain::on_pre_ghost_deconstructed (ID 91)
Entity is not ghost.
stack traceback:
SamTrain/control.lua:103: in function <SamTrain/control.lua:100>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'index'
/control.lua:103: in function <SamTrain/control.lua:100>

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