47.309 Checksum of Indium: 791329256
47.309 Checksum of Nylon: 1608617210
47.309 Checksum of plutonium-energy-k2-bz-compat: 538020028
47.309 Checksum of ThemTharHills: 586764991
47.309 Checksum of BrimStuff: 3148057662
47.309 Checksum of Chromium: 706539111
47.309 Checksum of IntermediatesForYou: 639508702
47.309 Checksum of LasingAround: 270391185
47.309 Checksum of Tantalite: 499726220
47.309 Checksum of core-mine-balancer-for-sek2bz: 4155169870
47.309 Checksum of GasGasGases: 1586658313
47.309 Checksum of MetalsForYou: 0
48.916 Error ModManager.cpp:1625: Error while loading recipe prototype "xor-water-cooled-gold-ingot-casting" (recipe): Difficulty normal: Recipe has invalid main product gold-ingot-casting. The product does not exist in the recipe product list.
Modifications: xors Space Exploration (+ Krastorio 2) tweaks: casting SE compatible
49.520 Initial atlas bitmap size is 16384
49.521 Created atlas bitmap 4096x1376 [icon, not-compressed, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-magnification, linear-mip-level]
49.528 Texture processor created (2048). GPU accelerated compression Supported: yes, Enabled: yes/yes. Test passed. YCoCgDXT PSNR: 35.83, BC3 PSNR: 33.82
49.589 Parallel Sprite Loader initialized (threads: 13)
49.897 Sprites loaded
49.909 Generated mipmaps (5) for atlas [0] of size 4096x1376
49.910 Custom mipmaps uploaded (99)
49.911 Error ControlSettings.cpp:859: compaktcircuit-control-click (custom-input): unknown key_sequence: CONTROL+mouse-button-1
49.912 Error ControlSettings.cpp:859: follow-drone (custom-input): unknown key_sequence: return
49.916 Custom inputs active: 226
49.928 Factorio initialised
336.987 Info AppManager.cpp:1417: Restarting Factorio
337.027 Quitting: user-quit.
337.605 Steam API shutdown.
337.615 Goodbye
That seems to be the same mistake,Is it because I added a lot of new midbody mod?