Run Speed Toggle

This mod will toggle the player's run speed multiplier (applied after all bonuses) to one of three configurable values with a keypress (F6 by default, but configurable).

4 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

g License question

1 year, 7 months ago

Hi, i am using your mod as inspiration while learning Lua. Like how to use events and which to use + how to do mod settings and how to do key-press settings and events.
I did the same with other mods and built my own mod that allows to shift-click blueprints of belt balancers over existing structrures (it marks underlying belt stuff for deconstruction like it does for trees). This allows to just paste the balancer on the bus, instead of having to remove the belts first.

The other mods i checked out and learned from / took parts from are all MIT licensed and i want to do it right when uploading my mod. However MIT and GPLv3 are sadly incompatible to each other. Therefore i wanted to ask for permission to use your code under MIT terms so i can upload mine as MIT aswell. If you want, i can show you the relevant code parts so you can see what i used. Its mainly just how to use the given stuff from factorio itself.

Im not sure if that even falls under licensed use then but i want to do it right.

Lemme know if you are ok with it or not. Else i just use it privately :)

1 year, 7 months ago

I would be interested to know what you copied. Some things, you should probably re-write yourself just as a good coding practice in general. Some things are so generic that anybody who wrote it would write basically the same things. There are many individual lines where I wouldn't even be able to claim copyright protection, if someone claimed "fair use".

1 year, 7 months ago
(updated 1 year, 7 months ago)

Do you have a discord? i could stream my screen and show you the code, its not much. I think its mainly how to do custom stuff at all, and good practice if-statements for assertion. But im no expert at licensing so i want to make sure its ok :)

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