Romeo Hates Inventory

by Loius

Have you ever looked at your inventory and said, 'Wow, that's way too much space! Only an unreasonable person would want space here!' Well have I got good news for you! Romeo did, and now this mod exists to reduce that pesky inventory space all the way down to 1, or even as high as 20, based on a startup setting. Based on Adjustable Inventory Size.

2 days ago
9 days ago
Latest Version:
1.1.0 (2 days ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
17 users

Adds a startup setting to reduce your initial inventory size to anywhere from 1 (!) to 20 slots. The default settings enable this mod with a size of 10.

Additional startup settings allow you to cut the size of all inventories by half, thirds, quarters, fourths, or even more ridiculous rates. Sick of being able to hold more than one thing per chest? Me neither! You can choose separate rates for armors, chests, technologies, and vehicles. If you cut technology, it also reduces the size of your trash inventory slots (since you can technically use those as extra inventory slots as long as there's no bots to steal your items). These settings are divisors instead of directly setting the values, which means that this -should- work with any mods, but let me know if you encounter any unwanted interactions and I'll see what can happen.

Why would anyone make or want this? Why would such a person then plan to use it with Pyanadon's mods?

I agree. But here we are, and while we are here, let's all suffer. Together!

Originally inspired by Adjustable Inventory Size by Jessea2010 (