Robot Quick Start

by Zerdex

Starting Rifle + Uranium ammo. Larger inventory. Faster robots. Starting Armor / Equipment / Construction Bots. Robot speed multipliers, inventory size, and robot starting count can be configured in the Mod Settings.

13 days ago
0.16 - 2.0

g K2 and/or SE compatibility?

1 year, 10 months ago

Using this with K2 gave me an error related to compatibility, same goes with SE. I know that K2 has an option that allows you to start with bonus items, but even then it doesn't feel like it's enough. Any chance you could make this mod compatible with them?

1 year, 3 months ago

Sure! I updated the mod and it now supports Krastorio 2. As for Space Exploration, I didn't notice any issues prior to the new changes. If you give the mod another try, lemme know if you come across any more issues, thanks!

New response