Robot Quick Start

by Zerdex

Starting Rifle + Uranium ammo. Larger inventory. Faster robots. Starting Armor / Equipment / Construction Bots. Robot speed multipliers, inventory size, and robot starting count can be configured in the Mod Settings.

13 days ago
0.16 - 2.0

g Bot Speed

3 years ago

Is this addon supposed to speed up just the starting bots by x factor -- or all bots? Because this is making EVERY bot, even late game, faster by x factor in the settings.

1 year, 10 months ago
(updated 1 year, 10 months ago)

The mod modifies the speed of both logistics and construction bots by a global multiplier defined in the 'Mod Settings' when creating a new game. If the mod is used in an existing save where multiple robot speed increases were already researched, it's bound to make all bots comically fast.

Edit: The default settings of the mod make the bots 6 times faster than the original speed

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