Roboport Recharge Speed deprecated

Increases both the recharge speed and energy flow rate of roboports. *This mod should be considered obsolete - there are now numerous other mods that more gracefully introduce the concept of faster and/or upgradable roboports to the game. This mod is so simple that it should continue to work, but I don't intend to maintain it.*

5 years ago
0.15 - 0.17
Logistic network

g Why deprecated?

6 years ago

Hey I love this mod, why is it deprecated? Using some old APIs? I still have a version in my current 0.16 server and it still seems to work. But if there is something that needs fixing I can have a look at it just give me a GitHub URL so I can keep this mod alive. :)

6 years ago

Oh wait, the source is just in the downloadable mod itself right? no worries then

6 years ago

Looks like it's automatically set it as deprecated, I suspect because I indicated the mod supports version .15 in the ini file.

I'll take a look at some point and set it to the latest version only and see if that fixes it, but you're very welcome to take the mod on - if you look at the code, it's trivial; it's just overriding a few of the parameters for roboports. I never bothered to read the Factorio specs much, because I just wanted a quick and dirty hack for my own benefit - if you want to take on ownership then please feel free. I'm not playing Factorio that much at the moment anyway.

6 years ago

Scratch that. It's just a toggle in the mod Information settings - I set it back to 'not deprecated', but I also put a version that only supports 0.16. Nothing actually changed though.

6 years ago

Hey sorry for my late reply. This is what I love about the factorio community. People being really nice most of the time like you. :) Well as long as it works for 0.16 I think I won't touch anything but once 0.17 comes out depending on if you have time to update it yourself then or not I might come back to it. Thanks again and have a great day!

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