Roboport BigPole

Your Roboport comes with a big pole that connects energy directly to another Roboport with his max area. No more putting big poles between Roboports.

3 years ago
0.16 - 1.1
Logistic network

g Supply Range

6 years ago

Love your mod!
Please extend the supply range (actually 44x44) to vanilla size (50x50) to make them fit better in vanilla blueprints.

6 years ago

Hi BurningHey!!!! The problem with the vanilla size is that the big pole has the limit of 64, and this makes impossible to always connect them to each other :(

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

old problems, but i just tried to use these roboports on a new map and didn't remember these limits :-(

users relatively easily can restrict themselves to placing roboports that don't have diagonals of 65+ and with a somewhat larger roboport area it still would be possible to place the roboports not only strictly in vertical or horizontal lines. (how often do you have a base that needs only almosrt exact diagonals and doesn't use any kind of square or similar grid?)

but with the current area of 44x44, these roboports don't cover distances of 1.5 chunks like vanilla roboports do, and i find that having to place additional roboports is even more annoying (and more costly in resources, and more costly in more power usage for more ports, etc) than having to place additional power poles. in addition to this, no vanilla setup (old maps, blueprints, etc) can easily be converted to using these roboports with their smaller logistics area.

IMHO, this mod was intended to solve two problems: (1) having to place a power pole next to each roboport and (2) easily connecting the roboports with each other. the first goal is probably met with excellence (i didn't try blueprinting these roboports but there was a bug report which got no answer yet), but the second goal is failed since it is achieved by introducing unnecessary restrictions and disadvantages that introduce new unneccessary problems and maybe even partially counteract the advantages of having the first problem solved.

please adjust the area to the vanilla area (at least 1.5 chunks per side) for the benefit of everybody and let people who sometimes might absolutely need to build roboports in strictly diagonal lines watch themselves for the max distance to connect powerpoles (easy to do with a blueprint that has two roboports with exactly that diagonal distance of 64 tiles)

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