Rich Blood

Build factory on the blood of your enemies. Biters blood coagulates into crystals when exposed to air. These blood crystals can be simply smelted for resources, or liquefied into blood for more advanced processing. Later, plant biter farms for some 100% organic, free-range, sustainable blood production. Requires Krastorio2. Compatible with BZ mods, Space Exploration, and Armoured/Frost/Explosive Biters.

2 years ago

g [DONE] Any Way to Disable Blood for Wood?

2 years ago

I play with Krastorio + Space Exploration. I'm excited to check out this mod but would rather not have to farm blood in order to make wood. Is there an option somewhere to disable individual recipes for this purpose?

2 years ago

There's no option right now. However, this mod doesn't change the SE-specific wood growing recipe. Not sure how efficient that recipe is because I haven't played SE yet.

I think an option to not require Electrolyte for the "wood with fertilizer" recipe makes the most sense, but I believe it opens the loophole where you can build a self-contained system that produces matter out of nothing. Technically, you can do the same thing by planting some biter nests, so maybe it's not a big deal.

2 years ago

Came here to report the same issue. The mechanics of your mod are super interesting so was naturally drawn to using it. There's two recipes that already exist to help out early in the game with basic data cards, I believe the sand one out of these is added for K2SE compat patch. I'm also using the sand one currently to produce biofuel which goes into power, and adding this mod shut down my entire base. Attaching screenshots for all current recipes :

Would request that if you're adding a custom wood recipe from crushed biter crystal, might as well buff it so the existing ones still work but yours can be markedly better. This'll allow people with existing saves to not have to re-do a lot of their base but also give them a reason to set up blood collection just to boost their wood throughput. What say?

2 years ago

Adding another case:
I have a separate save that I just started with K2, Rampant, Island Start, Noxys Swimming and Rich Blood. Even though there's plenty of biters to source from, it's an island/water world and biters don't want to expand across islands for the most part, which makes automating wood a pain, especially when I've not researched boat or a car yet. Traversing between islands is slow both for me and the biters even though they're pretty close.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Thank you for the feedback, guys. I just uploaded a version with a setting that lets you disable wood recipe changes. In that case, the mod just adds its own recipe for wood. Here's the breakdown of what wood recipes look like depending on the setting and mods. I'm not sure if the "wood with fertilizer" and the electrolyte recipes are balanced, so I'd appreciate any feedback.

Wood Recipes:

K2 only and not modifying wood recipes:
[UNCHANGED] kr-grow-wood-with-water: Input: 200 Water. Output: 40 Wood. Time: 60s. Unlocks by: kr-greenhouse
[UNCHANGED] kr-grow-wood-plus: Input: 1 Fertilizer, 200 Water. Output: 80 Wood. Time: 60s. Unlocks by: kr-bio-processing
[NEW] grow-wood-with-electrolyte: Input 100 Electrolyte, 200 Water. Output: 40 Wood. Time: 30s. Unlocks by blood-electrolysis

K2 + AAI Industry and not modifying wood recipes:
[UNCHANGED] kr-grow-wood-with-water: Input: 800 Water. Output: 20 Wood. Time: 120s. Unlocks by: kr-greenhouse
[UNCHANGED] kr-grow-wood-with-sand: Input: 10 Sand, 200 Water. Output: 40 Wood. Time: 60s. Unlocks by: kr-greenhouse
[UNCHANGED] kr-grow-wood-plus: Input: 5 Sand, 1 Fertilizer, 400 Water. Output: 80 Wood. Time: 60s. Unlocks by: kr-bio-processing
[NEW] grow-wood-with-electrolyte: Input 100 Electrolyte, 200 Water. Output: 40 Wood. Time: 30s. Unlocks by: blood-electrolysis

K2 only or K2 + AAI Industry and modifying wood recipes:
[NEW] grow-wood-with-blood-crystal-powder: Input: 4 Blood crystal powder, 100 Water. Output: 8 Wood. Time: 30s. Unlocks by: kr-greenhouse
[MODIFIED] kr-grow-wood-with-water: Input 100 Electrolyte, 200 Water. Output: 40 Wood. Time: 30s. Unlocks by blood-electrolysis
[MODIFIED] kr-grow-wood-plus: Input: 1 Fertilizer, 100 Electrolyte, 200 Water. Output: 80 Wood. Time: 60s. Unlocks by: kr-bio-processing

2 years ago

Oh wow thanks so much! That was quicker than I expected. Readding it to my saves now!

2 years ago

Awesome, that is great to see, thanks tuxnux21! Excited to add back in as well.

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