Rich Rocks Revival

Brings rich rocks from Krastorio Legacy to Krastorio 2, with special Industrial Revolution 2 integration.

1 year, 5 months ago

g Rich rocks not spawning

2 years ago

only fust found this after getting 50 hours into a new krastorio 2 + IR2 run, did a few laps of the map couldnt find any ores :( there seems to be a way to spawn ores with the console, but i cant find the entity name or list of krastorio ores anywhere. any help? have tried rich-ores richore ore-rich and others like it
surely theres a way?

2 years ago

The internal code name for the rich rock ore is rrr-rich-rocks.

Also I believe that adding a mod that spawns modded ores to a map that has already been created won't spawn that ore, though I'm not entirely sure and I could be very wrong. I'll look into it sometime.

2 years ago

A useful trick is to press Ctrl+Shift+E to see a list of all available prototype names, including resources, it's invaluable for spawning items!

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