Resource Labels Continued

Adds icons to resources on the map, optionally with a label and the resource count.

4 years ago

b Py's Ores

5 years ago

The previous version supported Py's ores, atm most if not all of them give errors, may you please review?
Besides the ore patches there is also the big resource Rocks.


5 years ago

Hi, I'll look into this and see what can be done, I'm hoping the mod's author has just renamed the ores and it should be a simple fix :)

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

The resources patches are not a problem, however the "Rocks" are not handled by the game in the same way as the ore patches and will require some recoding of the way the mod handles found resources, I will look into adding this functionality at some point though.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

It seems Pyanadon has renamed most of his ore's to distinguish them from Bob's Ores which is why they weren't being recognised. Version 0.17.2 now includes full support for Pyanadon's Raw Ores including those pesky rocks. Enjoy :D

5 years ago

Thank you very much!!! Very fast reply.
Stupid question, couldn't you just do it by category? like first cycle check every ore declared and then use those names and the icons associated with those ores for the scanning and marking? Thus making you immune to author changes? just asking I have no idea on how to do such a thing, just an idea.

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