Research Fog

Hides all unavailable research, letting you discover your game step by step. Also fixes science pack dependencies.

1 year, 11 months ago

b Broken Progresssion

1 year, 11 months ago


I was not able to unlock 3rd military tier in a modded session.
Probably it was caused by bzcarbon mod.
Discovered after deleting Research Fog.
Also all unavaliable tech remains hidden after that.
I had to scrap 27h long save because of these issues.

Overall... mod is quite neat for early game, but tech menu becomes more crowded anyways because there appear more and more available tech.

1 year, 8 months ago

Howdy, I tried using the mod and I present the same problem of not properly unlocking many assorted mod techs,
and when I tried disabling it, it just kept being bugged
My run has been for 42 hours, and I'd like to know how to turn it off and get things back to normal, for it'd be really painful to throw that run to the trash bin.

1 year, 3 months ago

To revert changes made by this mod, you have to run /c for _, t in pairs(game.player.force.technologies) do t.enabled = true end

11 months ago

Hi! I'm using your mod and had the reverse problem- I add a mod with a tech to my game, and was not able to see it. So I ran your code listed above and got my research done. Is there a way to force your mod to work again? xD If not, that's ok, my fault for messing with my mod order after starting a game. xD

New response