C&C Harvesters

by Daikael

Resource harvesting Ore trucks, Tiberium harvesters and refineries from Red Alert and Tiberium Dawn.

3 years ago
0.18 - 1.1

i Suggestion for making it automated

4 years ago

Other than the graphics, I did something like this (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Mining-Drones-Trucks)

I'd be happy to show you the 3 places you'd need to change to make this work the same way.

4 years ago

I belive that's how this mod actually used to run, but that help would be greatly appreciated!

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

It couldn't be based off the same code, Klonan's Mining Drones (which my mining trucks is a fork of) isn't that old.

I've just updated mine so that the version here has all my unpublished fixes.

Things to do to get this working as a Mining Drone clone:

Change license to GPL. (Sorry, legal requirement)

/script/mining_depot.lua: Adjust "max_drones_out" to your preference. I use mining_depo:sort_by_scramble() so that the miners go to random spots in the field. It's not quite the C&C mining pattern, but it looks similar enough for me. Change if you want. Klonan's little people sort by nearest, which looks good when you've got 100 little engineers out with pickaxes, but not when you've got 4 trucks.

/script/mining_drone.lua: The headlights are in here, along with the mining speed. Make sure mining_drone:get_mining_speed() does what you want tech to do. If you find that your trucks are jamming (or disappearing too far from the depo) then the line you want is the distance check in mining_drone:process_return_to_depot().

You'll need to do a bunch of stuff in /data/entities/mining_depo to fix the sprite for the depo. Klonan did fancy stuff with multiple sprites that I didn't touch. The important thing to not break is the stuff to do with placing "depo-caution" It's the spawn/collection point, and also interacts with Klonan's drone road network mod. Where it goes is defined in /script/mining_depo.lua: "offsets". I found it doesn't look good being too far away from the building.

/data/entities/mining_drone/mining_drone.lua is the dummy item that you put in the machine. You'll only need to fix the recipe and icon there.

/data/entities/mining_drone/mining_drone_entity.lua is where most of the magic happens. You'll want to be aware that I use different sprites for the miner that change based on tech level. So you'll probably want to strip that out.

Let me know if you run into trouble or if I forgot something you can't figure out.

4 years ago

I'll keep this in mind if the method I'm going to try first ends up not working out, thanks!

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Can't run your mod anymore since your last update.

Error Message: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1629695617787320665/F3FF2B11AAF2EA62FE3BE6432EC854EFB6BAF155/

Edit: wrong Thread, sorry.

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