A factorio mod that adds the amount recovered from Recycling Machines by 20% of the original recipe ingredients.
For factorio 0.14 and below, replaced by mod-settings for factorio 0.15 onwards.
If you enable this mod with the Recycling Machines Mod, it adds 20% of the original recipe ingredients to the recycling results.
There are mods for 10%, 20%, 40% and 50%. You can enable as many of the mods that you like, and the percentages are added together.
Start up Factorio and in the Mods section choose the return percentages that you wish the Recycling Machines to use.
10% = 10% mod
20% = 20% mod
30% = 10% AND 20% mods
40% = 40% mod
50% = 50% mod
60% = 10% AND 50% mods
70% = 20% AND 50% mods
80% = 10% AND 20% AND 50% mods
90% = 40% AND 50% mods
100% = NO mods
If you select mods that add up to more than 100% (for example 20% + 40% + 50%) then the percentage is capped to 100%.
The next time you generate a new world in factorio, or load a world where the Recycling Machines Mod has not been used before, the percentage return that you've selected will be used.
Note that if you change which Ratio mods to use, this will apply ONLY to new worlds, or to worlds where the Recycling Machines mod has not been used before. It won't apply to any previously save world where the Recycling Machines mod has been used.