Recursive Resource Calculator

by Herddex

An in-game calculator that can be used to automatically compute the information you need to build a final product at a given rate of production: precise number of machines for each intermediate product, required production rates for all said intermediate products, pollution and energy costs, with options for specifying module configurations, as well as machine types.

25 days ago
1.1 - 2.0

i [IMPLEMENTED] Recipe button tooltips

4 months ago

Hi there.
I havent memorized every recipe ingredients, so it would be nice if the mouseover-tooltip would show me the recipe-tooltip like in the inventory. Because right now, it shows me the amount of needed stuff, but not the connections. I mean sure, the mod helps me by calculating amount of assemblers and needed inputs, but it could also help in planning it out more if I could read there how to connect different stations.
Sorry my english isn't the best. Thanks for this helmod-lite =)

4 months ago

Hello and thank you very much for your feedback! I've noticed this too and I'll see what I can do (if the API allows me to implement something like this in the first place).

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