Recursive Resource Calculator

by Herddex

An in-game calculator that can be used to automatically compute the information you need to build a final product at a given rate of production: precise number of machines for each intermediate product, required production rates for all said intermediate products, pollution and energy costs, with options for specifying module configurations, as well as machine types.

25 days ago
1.1 - 2.0

b [FIXED] Crash on editor mode

3 years ago

Hi! Just wanter to warn you that when loading a scenario map (Map editor -> Edit scenario -> select a scenario) the load crashes and does not open because:

The mod Recursive Resource Calculator (1.0.4) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event RecursiveResourceCalculator::on_player_removed (ID 74)
RecursiveResourceCalculator/gui/calculator.lua:67: attempt to index local 'player' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
RecursiveResourceCalculator/gui/calculator.lua:67: in function 'destroy'
RecursiveResourceCalculator/control.lua:41: in function <RecursiveResourceCalculator/control.lua:40>

Also, from the log file:

Error CachedChangelog.cpp:37: Failed to parse changelog for mod Recursive Resource Calculator: invalid changelog file, line 1 (the first line) must always be exactly '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' or an empty line.

You may want to fix the changelog template too ;)

3 years ago

Thanks. Both issues should now be fixed.

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