Outputs the recipes for the vanilla game, and any active mods when you start up the game. Outputs them into a delimited file in the script-output folder.
Version: 0.16.2 Date: 2018-12-18 Features: - Outputs all the recipes for the game just started - Outputs recipe Name, Category, Group, Subgroup, Craft Time and all recipe product and ingredient types, names and amounts - Uses the '|' delimiter - Outputs for the player, enemy and neutral forces - First line of file contains the column types as a header - Output limited to vanilla of a maximum of 3 products and 6 ingredients per recipe - See https://github.com/DRY411S/Recipe-Output/blob/master/README.md for file output format Changes: - Now includes recipe product types and ingredient types in output - Writes a message to console confirming the location of the recipe output file
Version: 0.16.1 Date: 2017-12-17 Features: - Outputs all the recipes for the game just started - Outputs recipe Name, Category, Group, Subgroup, Craft Time and all recipe product and ingredient names and amounts - Uses the '|' delimiter - Outputs for the player, enemy and neutral forces - First line of file contains the column types as a header - Output limited to vanilla of a maximum of 3 products and 6 ingredients per recipe - See https://github.com/DRY411S/Recipe-Output/blob/master/README.md for file output format Changes: - First version