Realistic Electric Trains (Fork) deprecated

This mod adds electric trains which require power delivered by overhead lines.

3 years ago

i Thoughts on adding a line pole planner?

3 years ago

How feasible would it be to add a shortcut type planner item that can automatically place simple overhead line poles at maximum distance intervals?

3 years ago

Well, I know literally nothing about the modding API, I somehow updated this to 1.1 by changing 2 lines of code and with no knowledge of how to mod factorio lmao

After I actually know how to mod I will probably try to make placing the electric poles less painful, or maybe remove them and use regular electric poles if possible

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Oh no I don't even know lua (the programming language you make mods in)

It seems simple enough tho

3 years ago

Hopefully sometime this week I’ll try to get the trains to just consume power from regular electric poles

New response