Realistic Ores

by ouk_ouk

New look for iron, copper and uranium ores. Now, they have colors of real ores, not refined metals. Also, uranium ore glow is decreased to 70%. (Configurable and with support for other mods.)

3 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

g Update for Space Exploration?

7 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

edit: new mod to fix it

In the Space Exploration mod, there is a resource called Vitamelange which is a mid/olive green color as an item, but the ore patch tiles are a lighter yellowy green and show as bright yellow with a green tint on the map--obviously to prevent getting confused with vanilla Uranium. I'm sure you can see where I'm going with this. Could you add a version of this mod which recolors Vitamelange tiles and map color to be a darker green like the stuff itself, so I can more easily tell it apart from the gorgeous yellowy Uranium from your mod?

(The extra benefit to having these recolorations will be that Vitamelange, which is typically abundant where it occurs, will blend into the surrounding map colors better; meanwhile Uranium, which is a much rarer ore in general, will stand out much better in most environments.)

4 months ago

Sorry for a late answer. I'm not logging here often and the portal seems to send e-mail notifications about new treads whenever it feels like it (which is almost never).

I don't think such addition would fit the theme of this mode. It is about making the ores more similar to their real-life versions and there is no such thing as Vitamelange in the real world.
Beside that, I'm not actively modding anymore and especially not extending this mod because I'm bad at computer graphics and this would be a pain.

You can always turn off uranium in the settings of my mod.
Or, if you know basics of programming, you can try fixing it yourself. The code of my mod is free to copy and modify.

That makes sense. And yes, it wouldn't be too difficult a change to submit as a mod. And so that's what I did! I edited my previous post with link to the mod, for anyone else who feels the way I do.

4 months ago

I'm glad you were able to fix it for you.
I've noticed you've only changed the map color. From your first post I've got an impression that you want the textures to be different as well?

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

Yeah, the tiles could be a bit less yellow. But the map color was by far the biggest issue.

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