Realistic Ores

by ouk_ouk

New look for iron, copper and uranium ores. Now, they have colors of real ores, not refined metals. Also, uranium ore glow is decreased to 70%. (Configurable and with support for other mods.)

3 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

g extreme lag

2 years ago

extreme lag when adding mods and the map regenerates = FPS 1. not sure why this would regenerate all the maps (using space exploration) if its just a change of coloring and glow. regeneration seems to occur regardless of adding new minable materials (like titanium).

2 years ago

note: removal of mod ceases regeneration of map's from initial testing.

2 years ago

The map regenerates unconditionally because I don't see any good simple way to check whether it is necessary.
It shouldn't cause a lag though. It is handled by the game's engine (so well optimized) and afaik done one chunk at time. I guess you just have a whole lot of different mods that slow down the process.

2 years ago

yea, as of last night, it would not go above 1 FPS as it regenerated chunks, where before it would eventually become playable @ around 19 - 20 fps, it just stayed at 1 FPS. idk, i like your mod, and though I don't have a modding background for this game, idk why it would need to regenerate the map if its just replacing the look, pardon my ignorance in this, I have considered doing a mod.

2 years ago

The mod changes colors of ore patches but that would make colors on the map entirely unrelated to real colors. So it changes colors on the map and redraws it. It should happen only once after turning the mod on (or changing its settings). After the entire map is refreshed it should go back to normal.
The mod shows a message in chat when the refresh starts so if there is only one message everything is probably fine. If they keep appearing, there are some problems. You can also pay attention to the map to see when it stops refreshing. (It's visible because freshly redrawn chunks are highlighted for a moment.) Just remember they are not always refresh strictly in order.

Refreshing the map is the only thing my mod does after the game is loaded and it is done in event on_configuration_changed which shouldn't be called multiple times after loading the game so there is really not much chance for it to be done repeatably.
Pay attention to the chat messages and the map highlighting. If there are symptoms that something is wrong here, report it to me. However, I would guess it is probably problem with some other mod or maybe some mod interferes with mine in some weird way I cannot think about but I wouldn't put much faith to something like that.

2 years ago

it does regenerate any time a mod is added it appears, but only on the first load after. but it goes to 1 fps, and either doesnt or takes forever to do its thing.

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