Reduced Storage

by Kynaro

This mod reduces storage chest inventory size drastically, and adds pallets for larger wooden storage.

3 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

g hmm

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Truly confused here. Most people want bigger stack size. Are you also going to restrict the size of the train wagon? since it would take forever to fill a train from the belt's directly since with your small box sizes you would be getting away from using the stacker insert bonus. So you might as well remove that from the research tree. You should then also make it so you can't choice BIG resource fields since you can't store the ore in chests. Unless you have it where the more research you do, the bigger the chests get (hold more items/slots), Now that would be interesting and worth downloading this mod.

7 years ago

Cool idea, making the research create Matryoshka doll-esque storage. I don't play with much need for lots of storage slots. Either what I'm producing gets used or I don't produce it. Also, check out warehousing - it, coupled with this mod, refactors useful storage to be more expensive, take up more space, and sit behind some research.

6 years ago

smaller chests are a nice challenge, but looking at the pictures, these chests seem to be too small, eg a train should be (un)loadable in a set of steel chests. with only 3 slots in a steel chest and 6 inserters, this gives 18 slots (not even enough for old wagons from version 0.12 or another similarly historic version), and even when building a doublesided station with 12 inserters per wagon, 36 is not enough to match a wagon of version 0.15 or 0.16 that has 40 slots. for the biggest chests (steel), i would consider 40/6 = ~7 slots to be the minimum, rounded maybe to 2,4,8 or 2,5,10 for wood, iron and steel/logistics.

the other picture only showed an active provider chest with 4 slots. do all logistic chests have that limit? they all should have the same limit to be able to replace them with each other and with steel chests (replace with active provider to empty a chest, etc) and also a requester chest might need to request 6 or more item types and/or large amounts which need more than 1 stack or slot (requesting 100 items might also get you 34*3>100 items, thus more than 1 stack), thus needing 6+ slots minimum, better 8 slots.

when calculating the number of slots, you should also compare it to the throughput of belts and the size of stack inserters: a single stack inserter can fill one of these wooden chests with ore in only 4 swings, and the biggest of your chests barely can feed a blue belt to a smelter for 200/4 = 5 seconds.

will you update the mod for 0.16 ?
there are nice new settings in 0.16 possible, eg you could set the ratio of chests to 1:2:4 like you did in this old version for 0.15, and add a mod setting for a multiplier to easily be able to set ratios to 2/4/8 (factor 2), 2/5/10 (factor 2.5, rounded), 3/6/12 (factor 3), or even 25/50/100 (factor 25) :-)

6 years ago

Wonderful feedback Anson_AKB. You should find me on Steam! I'll update this mod soon.

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