Randomize Science

PRE-ALPHA VERSION - Generate randomized ingredients for science pack recipes for every game. Covers basic 6 science packs. Adjust difficulty, progression, number of ingredients, tier caps, and crafting time/output. Include ores, wood, liquid, fish, or science packs as ingredients, craft in random buildings, and use a random seed to keep your recipes.

4 years ago

g What a cool idea

5 years ago

Very cool concept!

Love the idea of changing up the recipes every new game you run!

5 years ago

Thank you, you too I am actually using Swarmageddon while working on this. I like mods that do something small but in a meaningful way so good job!

5 years ago

Hah! Awesome to hear you're enjoying Swarmageddon!

Just tried out this mod a bit. Yeah. I like this. Don't know why, it'll send my partner in crime, Recon, ballistic (we work on the same server together).

Might have a crack at looking at what might get it to include any modded items :D

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