Rail Types

Adds a few more rail types suitable for different environments.

5 years ago

g Endings

5 years ago

How does this mod work with the rail-endings sprites? They aren't separated by sprite layers as the rails segments are. Did you make new images for each of the new types, or do they just use the originals?

5 years ago

They just use the originals, but it sort of blends in well. I do plan on making more rail types with custom sprites, which would include making sprites for the two current railtypes' ending bumpers.

5 years ago

Oh nice! I'd built my own version of this kind of mod a few weeks ago and modifying the endings sprites took easily the most time. Good luck!

5 years ago

Thanks. As I said in the other thread, I made this mod mainly to fit my own factory, and I use looped ends of tracks so that I never actually see the track endings anywhere, so I didn't really think about how it may look like.

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