Horrible for UPS
First 5 lines of control.lua:
for _, surface in pairs(game.surfaces) do
for _, lamp in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered({name="qwrt-lamp"})) do
for _, light in pairs(lamp.surface.find_entities_filtered({name="lamp-light",area={{lamp.position.x-0.01,lamp.position.y-0.01},{lamp.position.x+0.01,lamp.position.y+0.01}}})) do
- This shouldn't be running every tick, it should spread over multiple ticks.
- It should be holding references in global instead of scanning the surface
- Running another scan for every lamp is even worse
I would recommend not using this mod for anything serious if you care about performance. If you need more UPS friendly fancy combinators I recommend https://mods.factorio.com/mod/nixie-tubes by justarandomgeek.