
Quickly search for items by name from your inventory/chests/craftables/logistic supply.

2 months ago
0.16 - 2.0

g Great mod! Question!

6 years ago

Great mod! I prefer typing and since Factorio has al of items, this is great.

Does it support blueprint names?

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Sorry, no. I think it might be easy to add, though. Thanks for the feature request.

edit: Added in version 1.0.1.

6 years ago

Nice! Is it technically possible to also search within the blueprint books?

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

i have to agree: Great mod!

although i prefer clicking on icons, i usually have so many mods and/or mods with so many items that it is hard to find a specific one. with this mod, i now can easily type a few characters that i still remember and then click among the shrunken list of icons.

but i also have questions about the GUI (no bug or crash!) :

  • why is the definition of hotkeys Q and F in the mod settings and not in the keyboard shortcuts ?
    is that related to F and Q being uppercase? it took me some time to find out that the F in your example really means shift-F, in contrast to the hotkey settings where F just means the F key (thus "f"), and shift-F is shown as shift+F
  • why is the default hotkey to start quicksearch the same as the default vanilla hotkey to pickup items ? without redefining the hotkeys, i would always pick up items (from the ground or from belts) when i want to start quicksearch, and when i want to pickup items, quickstart would be started, with a long query for "fffwwwwwwwww" or similar :-)
    edit: SORRY, i had "pickup" set to F and an alternate pickup to shift-F (for the mod "Schall Remains & Pickup" which spills items and thus also allows for an alternate pickup to pickup in a much larger pickup radius)
  • after i have redefined the hotkey to start quicksearch to alt-F, i also wanted to change the hotkey for selecting something and closing it to the same alt-F, but in the mod settings i can't use explicit combinations with ctrl, alt or shift, only enter lowercase f or uppercase F.
    after redefining everything again, i now use F for vanilla pickup, shift-F for quicksearch and alt-F for that other mod. additionally ctrl-F for FNEI and still have to look for a new hotkey for two more "find" utilities :-)
  • how can i quickly close the quicksearch after i have selected an item or a blueprint by clicking and before i place it on the map ? (my inventory is rather large, the logistics network even larger, and thus the quicksearch window usually is also rather large, up to more than a quarter os the screen).
    maybe i have to get used to it, either typing more letters and then shift-F (which does the selection and closes quicksearch). or clicking an icon and then clicking the X button, instead of simply typing shift-Q (which keeps the window open and gets rid of the item on the cursor since focus is no longer on the search mask)
  • as much as i like being able to just enter a few letters in the correct order and am allowed to skip letters too, i got surprised a few times when "const com" didn't find my constant combinator. finally i found the reason: "constcom" (without any spaces) finds it :-) :-(
    if this is because of internal names which have no spaces or similar reasons, it would be nice if you simply skip spaces in the input mask (or maybe replace them with "_" or whatever might help making it easier for the user).

but let me say it again: this is all only cosmetics and probably personal preference.
in general: great mod!

6 years ago

Thanks, I'm glad you like it. Here's some answers:

why is the definition of hotkeys Q and F in the mod settings and not in the keyboard shortcuts ?

Short answer: Technical reasons. Long answer: When you're typing in a text box, mods can't intercept hotkeys. So I fake it by looking for you to type a specific character into the box. This is also why can only set typeable characters as the "close window" button - alt+F for example wouldn't work.

how can i quickly close the quicksearch after i have selected an item or a blueprint by clicking and before i place it on the map ?

Press the "start quicksearch" hotkey - alt+F for you. That should toggle the quicksearch window open/closed whenever you're not typing.

as much as i like being able to just enter a few letters in the correct order and am allowed to skip letters too, i got surprised a few times when "const com" didn't find my constant combinator.

As you suspect, this is because the internal names are different. I could ignore spaces, but that wouldn't solve the real problem, which is that the internal names don't always match the translated names. They're english only, for example.

Thanks again for the feedback!

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

thanks for the detailed answers !

why is the definition of hotkeys Q and F in the mod settings and not in the keyboard shortcuts ?
Long answer: When you're typing in a text box, mods can't intercept hotkeys. ...

then it is even an advantage and those two keys can be anything without conflict to other hotkeys !?

how can i quickly close the quicksearch ....
Press the "start quicksearch" hotkey. That should toggle the window whenever you're not typing.

together with the other explanations, that makes sense to me now :-) it will be really easy now to toggle the window on/off when not in the edit box, and to select easy "hotkeys" for use while in the edit box. thanks !

i got surprised a few times when "const com" didn't find my constant combinator.
As you suspect, this is because the internal names are different. I could ignore spaces, but that wouldn't solve the real problem, which is that the internal names don't always match the translated names. They're english only, for example.

although the problem of having internal names would persist, part of user error (typing unnecessary/bad spaces) probably could be avoided by eliminating spaces (probably without too much additional effort?) and thus make it more userfriendly

from the HHGTTG: there was a big red button with the text "don't push this button", and a dialog along the lines "why did you push that button?" , "because it was there", "but it said 'don't push this button'" :-) ... it would have been safer and more userfriendly to not have such a button in the first place, no matter how detailed instructions were, and why not eliminate spaces that are not needed if that's easy to do, has no other detrimental effects and might cut down on user errors :-)

thanks again for the explanations!

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