
Quickly search for items by name from your inventory/chests/craftables/logistic supply.

2 months ago
0.16 - 2.0
6 years ago
Latest Version:
1.1.3 (2 months ago)
Factorio version:
0.16 - 2.0
Downloaded by:
19.3K users

Quicksearch adds a search box for finding items in your inventory, crafting recipes, logistics networks, and any open chests. It's useful for keyboard junkies - for me, it's a lot easier to type "Fas6F" (F is the key to trigger the search to open/close) to find "assembly machine 6" than to hunt through a big list of items.

Key bindings

The keybindings are configurable, but the default settings are:

  • F to open the window and begin a search. The search box starts in focus so you don't have to click the window before typing.
  • F while typing to pick up the first result. e.g. if the search is "chemical" and the results are "chemical plant 1" and "chemical plant 2", hitting F will pick up the stack of "chemical plant 1".
  • Q to close the search box without selecting anything.

Match types

Quicksearch looks for results from your inventory, crafting recipes, logistics networks, and open chests. Clicking on a result does something slightly different, depending on where the item was found.

  • Inventory / chest. Click on these to pick up a stack. Common Factorio modifiers apply for transferring items (e.g. ctrl+click to transfer all items of that type between chest and inventory).
  • Crafting. Click on these to create a ghost blueprint of the item. Alternatively, hold ctrl or shift to craft a different amount of the item.
  • Logistics Networks. Click on these to create a ghost blueprint of the item. Alternatively, hold ctrl or shift to request a certain amount from the logistics network. The request will be cleared once bots fulfill it.

Search string

Your search will match any item that contains any of the letters you typed, in that order, regardless of letters in between. This allows you to search for a substring of a term, like "yser" for "electrolyser". Other examples:

  • "stta4" - "STorage-TAnk-4"
  • "xtb" - "eXpress-Transport-Belt"
  • "dee" - "meDium-ElEctric-Pole"

Also, for technical reasons, Quicksearch searches on the item's in-game type name, not the translated name.