PyCoal Touched By an Angel

Seven Mods for the Arch666Angel under the sky, Seventeen for the Bobingabout in their halls of stone, Nine for Pyanodon doomed to die, One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne, In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie, One Mod to rule them all, one Mod to find them, One Mod to bring them all and in the darkness bind them

3 months ago
0.15 - 1.1

b Technology Bug

7 months ago

Hello There,

I play with the 5 Biggest Mods from Factorio:
And more QOL Mods

Maybe u can help with this Issue:


7 months ago

Can you hover over that tech, press ctrl+shift+e, scroll down to prerequisites, press the arrow next to prerequisites, and send a screenshot?

7 months ago

I'm not sure if this is the right screenshot you need:

7 months ago

I think thats the right picture:

But i need help to disable the Science "automated Rail transportation"
The first prerequesite is no Problem that is possible too Research, but the second is an Issue! That Research comes in the Midgame

7 months ago

i Think i localyse the Problem:
The Research in the left screen dosen´t exist, but the right Research need this.
Can u helb me to disable this Research Prerequisite?

7 months ago

What's the prototype history on the engine technology?

7 months ago

I have now activated the engine technology with a command, which of course allowed me to research everything else

7 months ago

Next problem... the recipes weren't converted everywhere. Here is an example with the soil from Angel or Pyanodon:

7 months ago

Example 2 all Coke recipes have the Coke from Angel as a result but in the first steel recipe only the Pyanodon Coke is used:

New response