Hi in response to the petridish problem i found if you go in this folder Application Support/factorio/mods/PyCoalTBaA/prototypes/angels-mods/prototypes/overrides (then open overrides-updates with text editor) and you go to the bottom of the file then you change follow line:
-- fun.global_item_replacer('petri-dish', 'empty-petri-dish') to fun.global_item_replacer('petri-dish', 'empty-petri-dish')
this reenables the progress and avoids the deadlock at least for me
@kingarthur is there a reason this line is disabled? i understand i have an obsolete recipe now in angel bio (from glass to 'petri-dish') but for the rest this shouldn't give any problems right?
You'll eventually run into another issue with them later not being able to make a dish you need to make. Might be ok for a while. I dont remember exactly where the issue was.
I'm currently reworking a large chunk of pyal then I'm planning to lock in a specific setup of py+angels and fix all these little issues. Rough eta of sometime in April.