PyCoal Touched By an Angel

Seven Mods for the Arch666Angel under the sky, Seventeen for the Bobingabout in their halls of stone, Nine for Pyanodon doomed to die, One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne, In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie, One Mod to rule them all, one Mod to find them, One Mod to bring them all and in the darkness bind them

3 months ago
0.15 - 1.1

i APM mods

5 years ago

Phasmas mods are starting to peak some interest. And while most of his mods are already compatable, the nuclear option of his mods miss match with madclowns. Just a thought to clean that up of you're ever up to it. Would be cool

5 years ago

I'm already actively working with pharma to get them compatible with pymods. When we reach a satisfactory point with that I'll be looking into checking on others.

If its causing and loading errors let me know and I'll get those fixed asap

5 years ago

glad to see this was brought up, I was going to ask about the possibility of Phasmas being implemented as well. it almost works with Bobs, Angels, and Pyanodons as is now, but the main problem im seeing is Pyanondons Red Science, you need Electricity to start making it, but Electricity is locked behind Pyanondons Red Science when Phasmas is enabled (because with Phasmas everything is steam powered up to this point), so a perfect Catch 22 problem.

Glad to hear you are already ahead of the game on this kingarthur, keep up the good work linking these amazing mods together for an extremely complex and long lasting game of Factorio!

5 years ago

ya the difficultly at this point is i dont know apm and he doesnt know pymods and given the size of them both its just taking time for each of us to learn whats going on it the mods. ive been play apm a bit to get an idea of how it plays to write needed changes to smoothly integrate apm+py so it balanced and doesnt turn into another situation with angels where they kinda overlap and are not balanced at all together

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

for sure, id assume the early game of APM with Bobs and Angels is fairly straight forward, but once you tick over into Electric with Py which is the figurative "cut off" point for APM once you move into Electricity, it would become the challenge of "how can all this APM stuff stay relevant and useful from this point on"

Edit: I have also discovered that with APM running with Bobs, Angels, and Py you can research Railroads and stations before Electricity, which honestly is very handy, BUT they still require Titanium Plates and Duralium which is of course a good ways into tech and mining that is locked behind Electricity

Edit 2: im actually discovering things all over the place that would be causing problems with integration, but seeing as I cant actively help on this im just going to stop thinking about it and let you handle it, seeing as you have done such incredible work bringing the other mods together in the past. ^^;

4 years ago

just saw your second edit. if you find issues and things that need to be fixed please let me know. preferably here or on github where i can track what has or hasn't been done yet. i am working on it but apm+py is the only thing ive got going on so extra eyes speed up the process. its a lot easier to fix issues after they been found than to actually find them

4 years ago

right, ill start up a new game and begin compiling a list of anything I find, the biggest ones so far tho is still Electricity tech of course, as it is its own catch 22. and Railroad tech, seeing how long you would be in APM at the start it would make perfect sense to get Railroad tech as if you run out of coal then you are screwed, but right now Railroad equipment still requires materials from much later on and past Electricity such as Titanium and Duralium.

ill try to do this in 2 stages of searching, 1st would be everything in APM itself before researching Electricity, to see what hiccups there are that would prevent you from moving forward. then 2nd would be after researching Electricity (by using cheat mode to get the right science pack for it) to see how well the APM materials and equipment mesh with the other mods, I get the feeling that possibly the variations of the same materials may cause problems but ill find out.

The Mod set ill be using for testing will be: Py Mods, Angels, Bobs, AAI, Bio Industries, Mad Clowns, and Deadlocks (stacking beltboxes, compact loaders, and crating machines. while these are not compatible with APM or Bio Industries materials they are compatible with everything else and are extremely helpful over long distance with belts)

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