PyCoal Touched By an Angel

Seven Mods for the Arch666Angel under the sky, Seventeen for the Bobingabout in their halls of stone, Nine for Pyanodon doomed to die, One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne, In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie, One Mod to rule them all, one Mod to find them, One Mod to bring them all and in the darkness bind them

15 hours ago
0.15 - 1.1

b bob electronic broken recepies

5 years ago

After some bob electronic update, circuits impossible to make with pyanodon.

Pyanodon have "Printed Circuit Substrate 1", that require vacuum, that require steel.
Another recipe is "Circuit board" that created from that PCS.
Bob electronics provide cheap recipe for Circuit boards.
Pumps, lab, drills, require substrate.

5 years ago

Also glass could be crafted from quartz...
Tin and quartz are not generated, to utilize angel processing.

5 years ago

ah... it was py+angel uberhaul. Disabling that, seems to fix most of the recipes

5 years ago

ya dont use that not done. im going to disable that till its ready

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