
Play a logical puzzle game in 33 mini-levels. Fix a broken factory by several items in every level, then check if the factory satisfies objectives.

4 years ago
0.18 - 1.1

g All Puzzletory Level solutions (Spoilers!)

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

I recently watched half-way through AntiElitz vs. Nefrums Puzzletory Speedrunner Race and liked this mod so much that i wanted to try it out by myself. I played through it in a few hours(mainly because i could still remember their solutions) but then on the last few bonus objectives i got stuck.
So i went to Google but couldn't find a single guide to the solutions of either main and/or optional objectives.
So I decided to make one myself for any future person wanting to know the solutions to every current Level. (A total of 33)
But I know that a lot of People would probably rather have hints than a solution image but i also did not want to write hints for 33 Levels, so i made the following Graphic.
It refers to the above mentioned Puzzletory Race with timestamps to both the time they completed the main objective and the time they completed the optional one. With these you can just jump ahead to whatever solution you want and build it for yourself or look at their thought process on (the solution of) the Level they do right after they solve the current one.

        !!!!!!!! SPOILERS AHEAD !!!!!!!!

In the videos AntiElitz is the guy on the left and Nefrums is the guy on the right.
The background colors in the graphic stand for in which video the solution was built in:
Green = Video 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neI0G8BImNU
Blue = Video 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhJq4ha2_p4
Yellow = Video 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3tsqtj3W1E

(Note: This is my first time trying to use the spoiler tag and image tag, does anyone know how to use them properly? Because these do not seem to work like this)
[spoiler=Graphic with timestamps]
[img] https://i.imgur.com/w0tekQb.png [/img]

As you can see there are a few optional objectives that either Nefrums or AntiElitz or both did not get, so here are some hints/notes for those:

[spoiler=Level 13]
This optional objective seems insanely difficult (i know its rated 9/10). I only solved it because of the solution by AntiElitz.
Solution: Watch video 1 at around 1:47:20.

[spoiler=Level 19]
Hint 1: The problem here is that steel takes too long to finish before the ammo is finished.
So you have to delay ammo as much as possible.
Hint 2: If items pass through a splitter they come out of the left and right side alternately
Hint 3: Use 2 splitters directly by the coal chest and 1 by the steel chest. Use the last on the middle island by utilising hint 2.
Solution: Watch video 2 at around 0:15:40.

[spoiler=Level 22]
This is the only optional objective that I did not complete and neither did AntiElitz or Nefrums.
If you have the solution or some hints, feel free to post it with a spoiler warning/tag in this thread.

[spoiler=Level 24]
Hint 1: For the optional Objective one of the markers on the ground is at the wrong place.
Hint 2: The solar panel does not need to be placed anywhere horizontally above the oil-patch.
Hint 3: 2 speed modules go into oil processing, 1 goes into the chemical plant with the battery recipe.
Solution: Watch video 2 at around 2:31:20.

[spoiler=Level 27]
Hint 1: Use every single inserter.
Hint 2: Normal inserter goes three tiles to the right of the assembling machine with the pipe recipe.
Hint 3: Bring all iron plates to the yellow belt.
(All inserters are whitelisted and filter only the shown item.)
Solution: [img] https://i.imgur.com/vndvivq.png [/img]

[spoiler=Level 28]
Hint 1: The iron chest needs 2 fast-inserters, the copper chest needs at least 3 (Nefrums used 3, i did it with 4).
Hint 2: You need to alternate iron and copper so that copper ends up on the left 3 steel chests and iron on the right 3 steel chests.
Hint 3: Make sure to delay copper cable production (not very tight).
Solution: Watch video 3 at around 1:37:00.

[spoiler=Level 32]
Hint 1: If you have problems with this one you either finish red science to fast or are not able to craft enough. Try to slow down the completion of red science.
Hint 2: Look in the game rules at the second bullet point under "Primary Objective" and at the 5th bullet point under "Other Rules and Tips".
Hint 3: Use every single belt and inserter not used for copper or yellow belt/normal inserter to transport red science from the bottom red chest to the top one.
Solution: [img] https://i.imgur.com/ReenV6s.png [/img]

[spoiler=Level 33]
Hint 1: You can set filters on splitters.
Hint 2: The 1 Blue Belt has to be used to the left of the left-most filter-inserter.
Hint 3: Build a loop around the speed module assembling machine.
Solution: [img] https://i.imgur.com/D7GvOMc.png [/img]

1 year, 5 months ago

Level 22 optional objective solution.

[spoiler=Level 22]
Hint 1: There is a weird glitch (or feature) when splitters are backed up on the priority side and all items have passed through on the other side, After a long while an item from the priority side will "bump" itself to the other side. (I found this while trying this level randomly)

Hint 2: Use an underground belt to block one side of a belt.

Hint 3: Iron plates are last.

Hint 4: There is a specific set up of the splitter and the one-side blocked underground belt that allows exactly two items past.
Solution: [img] https://imgur.com/a/jLB0hhe [/img] .

1 year, 5 months ago

Level 22 optional objective solution.

[spoiler=Level 22]
Hint 1: There is a weird glitch (or feature) when splitters are backed up on the priority side and all items have passed through on the other side, After a long while an item from the priority side will "bump" itself to the other side. (I found this while trying this level randomly)

Hint 2: Use an underground belt to block one side of a belt.

Hint 3: Iron plates are last.

Hint 4: There is a specific set up of the splitter and the one-side blocked underground belt that allows exactly two items past.
Solution: [img] https://imgur.com/a/jLB0hhe [/img] .
Solution note: make sure splitter output priority is on the left for the above solution.

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