
Play a logical puzzle game in 33 mini-levels. Fix a broken factory by several items in every level, then check if the factory satisfies objectives.

4 years ago
0.18 - 1.1
4 years ago
Latest Version:
1.1.0 (4 years ago)
Factorio version:
0.18 - 1.1
Downloaded by:
2.50K users

YouTube review by Kitch:

How to play:

You can start the game by selecting from the main menu: Single Player -> New Game -> Mod scenarios -> Puzzletory/Puzzletory. I think the game is easy to understand without detailed instructions, but you can open the exact rules by button "Game Rules" in the bottom right corner.

Mod(s) compatibility:

  • Puzzletory mod is non-game-changing. It is one scenario only. It should not affect other mods.
  • Before playing, you should disable other mods that change game rules or GUI. I tested it randomly for several famous mods. For example: "Angel's Smelting" mod breaks Puzlletory because it removed copper-ore.


  • If you find a bug, you can report it in the discussion tab.
  • If you want to help me with balancing game difficulty and you finished at least 15 levels, you can send me your solutions. How to:
    • go to "Factorio\script-output\" directory
    • Zip all files starting with "solution_".
    • Send the zip file to my email: puzzletory@gmail.com
    • Do not worry. There is not any sensitive information in these files. You can check it before sending it. The format is human readable. There are only positions and configuration of items, player's inventory, time of playing, and the number of tries.
    • As a reward, I will send to the first 50 players information, if they found a different solution than I prepared.
    • If you dislike auto-save of solutions, you can disable it in the mod configuration.

Feedback and discussion:

  • You can send me any feedback on levels, mod, or GUI to my email puzzletory@gmail.com or write it to the discussion tab.
  • You can debate about levels in the discussion tab but do not show your solution without a spoiler alert there, please.