
Play a logical puzzle game in 33 mini-levels. Fix a broken factory by several items in every level, then check if the factory satisfies objectives.

3 years ago
0.18 - 1.1

g Where and how to place this in the correct folder

4 years ago

So I would like to try this scenario out, but in its folders, there are more folders than usual for a scenario and I am a bit confused as to how it should be placed in my directory so that it will work. Right now, when I select it, it will show a preview picture and then error out and say I need to contact the scenario maker. Thank you in advance for your assistance.

4 years ago

Hi Klydon,

You can install Puzzletory mod directly from game: Mods -> tab "Install" -> search "Puzzletory" -> select row -> click to "install" button -> click to "confirm" button. If you have already installed some files by copying, you should delete it before this new installation.

Or you can download zip (the last version is 1.0.2) from this page and add it to the mods directory. It is: \Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Factorio\mods\ in my Windows 10. You need not unpack the zip.

Then you can start Puzzletory: Single Player -> New Game -> Mod scenarios -> Puzzletory/Puzzletory.

If it still shows error: You can try to disable temporary other mods. Some mods are not compatible with others.

If it still shows error: You can send me a screenshot of your "mods" and "single player->new game" window + screenshots of your \Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Factorio\mods\ directory.

New response