
Play a logical puzzle game in 33 mini-levels. Fix a broken factory by several items in every level, then check if the factory satisfies objectives.

4 years ago
0.18 - 1.1

i Difficulty Rating

4 years ago

First off, love this mod tremendously. It's great, refreshing, and repeatedly gave me moments of supreme satisfaction.

It seems like the puzzles are arranged in the order of the difficult of their primary objective. This seems intuitive and I think that is great. However, the optional objective does not scale in the same manner. It might be worthwhile to rate the difficulty of each optional objective so that a player might know when to "skip" one that is considered exceptionally hard.

4 years ago

Hi, I like this idea with the rating. You guessed it right. I tried sort levels by the difficulty of primary objectives. The difficulty of optional objectives is random. I will try to assign difficulty level to all puzzles after returning home next week, and I will try to find a place in UI for showing it. But I do not know if I can consider difficulty right way. I have only several feedbacks from players. I will probably change the difficulty level by player's reactions later.

4 years ago

It's done. I added the level difficulty of both objectives (primary and optional). The range is 1-10. A player can show difficulty level by point to ⓘ in the goal's title.

4 years ago

Thanks, the addition is great. I just played through some to see the change, and I know others will appreciate the ability to see the difficulty with some of the truly challenging optional objectives.

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