Pump Filter deprecated

by Hermios

Let filter fluids in the pump

5 years ago
0.16 - 0.17

b error in on_pre_player_mined_item

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Mining entities with your mod active throws the following error:

Error MainLoop.cpp:1035: Exception at tick 54609: Error while running event PumpFilter::on_pre_player_mined_item (ID 11)
Neighbours can be used only for electric pole, transport belt to ground or entity with pipe connection.
stack traceback:
        __PumpFilter__/methods/globalEvents.lua:18: in function 'removePreviousPipe'
        __PumpFilter__/methods/globalEvents.lua:54: in function 'OnRemoved'
        __PumpFilter__/control.lua:78: in function <__PumpFilter__/control.lua:71>
6 years ago

Yep, same =P

6 years ago

Ah, sorry, I forgot to remove some code. I fix it right now!

New response