Protogen Character

Made for a friend. This mod replaces your character with a protogen! Contains a mostly animated character. Huge thanks to SleepyEngi for the code I modified, and Zahndy on thingiverse for the protogen 3d model:

2 years ago

i Improve character generation code

1 year, 8 months ago
(updated 1 year, 8 months ago)

Hi! I'm the author of miniMAXIme, and supplied the code that made SleepyEngi's Gear Girl not overwrite the default character. Meanwhile, it has turned out that my original approach to creating characters wasn't ideal (e.g. Gear Girl is still overwriting properties that other mods may have changed), so I've made several improvements to the process over time. Unfortunately, it seems SleepyEngi has been asleep for some time, so these improvements never made it into Gear Girl. :-)

However, I've also made a helper mod that provides some functions to help you create your character and handles copying it from/to the default character. The mod contains example code and documentation, so if you want to take advantage of it, it shouldn't be too hard to make the necessary adjustments to your code.

By the way: I've also added an optional dependency on your mod to the next version of miniMAXIme, but it may still take some time before I'll get around to updating the mod again.

EDIT: Just uploaded version 1.1.29 of miniMAXIme with the dependency on your mod.

1 year, 7 months ago

Hey! I believe you seen that Danny re-made my mod with the recolorable version, so I don't think I'll be updating this one anymore, especially since I don't have the time for it. But I will see if maybe Danny wants me to take the recolorablility and i could worry about updating it with your mod. but we will see

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