
by Mylon

Adds prospecting to enrich ore patches. Extends the lifetime of ore patches with some investment, but comes with the drawback of making mining slower.

10 months ago
0.14 - 1.1

b It crashed

4 years ago

And it showed this Message:

4 years ago

For some reason the resource initial amount was not specified. I added an additional check in case that happens to prevent a crash, but you might be missing out on resources this mod should be granting you because of that. You should check with any mods that may be modifying how resources spawn.

4 years ago

I use DivOresity if that makes any difference. How can i check that?

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

On further research, it seems I grossly misunderstood a semi-recent API change and I'll have to revert some code.

New response