Production Statistics Circuitry

This mod adds two new constant combinators that outputs production statistics and logistic statistics.

6 years ago
Circuit network

i buffer chests

6 years ago

nice when we can get statistics about bots etc everywhere without need to build a roboport and connect it, as well as all those production statistics.

what about statistics for the fifth type of logistic chests, the green buffer chests ?
shouldn't they be counted too ? or can't they be counted ?

6 years ago

The problem with buffer chests is that they both count as requester chest and a passive provider chest. They don't have their own separate count, unfortuantely. I could manually count them, however that is very taxing. On my test network (which you can see in the screnshots), when I counted something manually rather than using the built in functions the game would freeze for a second, which is not what we want from something that will be ran every 5 seconds.

6 years ago

I might look into a better way of counting them; however, if they ever add a API reference for counting buffer chests I'll be sure to add them.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

thanks for the answer.
it's more important to have no lag than to have that count. maybe the events to create and destroy chests could somehow be used to incrementally count the buffer chests after once (after creating a new map or adding the mod to an existing map) counting those chests manually and slowly. then the number of requester chests and provider chests could also be adjusted to their real numbers (not including buffer chests).

but while those chests are counted as requester chests and provider chests, that fact should be included in the description (i didn't know about those internal workings before), eg "xxx = number or requester plus buffer chests; yyy = number of provider plus buffer chests"

ps: another small detail: in the mod settings, you write "values between 30 (0.5sec) and 300 (5sec) allowed", but the range of values in that form is "min 30, default 30, max 6000" (that would be max 100sec). if only 300 is allowed, max should be 300. what is the reason that only 300 is allowed?
i like 3600 more (resulting in a display of "per minute"), or maybe even more to get values per 10min (36000) or per hour (216000) ...

6 years ago

thanks for the answer.
it's more important to have no lag than to have that count. maybe the events to create and destroy chests could somehow be used to incrementally count the buffer chests after once (after creating a new map or adding the mod to an existing map) counting those chests manually and slowly. then the number of requester chests and provider chests could also be adjusted to their real numbers (not including buffer chests).

but while those chests are counted as requester chests and provider chests, that fact should be included in the description (i didn't know about those internal workings before), eg "xxx = number or requester plus buffer chests; yyy = number of provider plus buffer chests"

That's all fine and dandy but then we need to double check that said chest is still a part of the network. That would require either tracking roboport place/destroy and adding/removing chests based on that, or just looping over them all and checking they are in the right network. Problem with the former is that I would have to track every separate network and write a whole bunch of stuff for when networks are disconnected and connected. It becomes a whole mess.

ps: another small detail: in the mod settings, you write "values between 30 (0.5sec) and 300 (5sec) allowed", but the range of values in that form is "min 30, default 30, max 6000" (that would be max 100sec). if only 300 is allowed, max should be 300. what is the reason that only 300 is allowed?
i like 3600 more (resulting in a display of "per minute"), or maybe even more to get values per 10min (36000) or per hour (216000) ...

My bad. I was bound to make a mistake somewhere. The initial reason for 300 was because it lined up with the production stats visible when you press P. I'll up it to a bigger range.

6 years ago

oh, i hadn't thought about all those consequences :-(
of course, this is only something minor and not worth the effort to handle all that network stuff and create lag, new bugs or other problems, etc, only to get a number for buffer chests. let's hope that that number will be done by vanilla factorio itself, sometime in the future :-)
but until then, please add "xxx chests plus buffer chests" to the description so that people will be aware of how factorio counts the chests.

about the mod settings: thanks!
i don't like that short timespan of 5 seconds since the values are changing too quickly, thus reordering the display all the time, and in case of belt throughput i like 400 items per lane per minute better than 6.66666666666666 per second. thus i prefer longer intervals, mostly items per minute or in case i want to see an entire ingame day maybe even 30+ minutes (rounded up to the next possible selection on the graphs, this would be an hour).

6 years ago

oh, i hadn't thought about all those consequences :-(
of course, this is only something minor and not worth the effort to handle all that network stuff and create lag, new bugs or other problems, etc, only to get a number for buffer chests. let's hope that that number will be done by vanilla factorio itself, sometime in the future :-)
but until then, please add "xxx chests plus buffer chests" to the description so that people will be aware of how factorio counts the chests.

Will do. I've also noticed that roboports count as a passive provider, since they can passively provide repairs packs.

about the mod settings: thanks!
i don't like that short timespan of 5 seconds since the values are changing too quickly, thus reordering the display all the time, and in case of belt throughput i like 400 items per lane per minute better than 6.66666666666666 per second. thus i prefer longer intervals, mostly items per minute or in case i want to see an entire ingame day maybe even 30+ minutes (rounded up to the next possible selection on the graphs, this would be an hour).

Ah. Well I've update the thresholds so now you should be able to set it to basically anything you want.

New response