Pollution Solutions deprecated

This makes Factorio more fun by turning pollution and combat into an interconnected system you actively engage with, instead of just tossing down laser turrets and forgetting about both. This minimalist mod stays close to the vanilla experience, adding only what's necessary to accomplish these goals.

4 years ago

g Compatibility with "Rampant"

4 years ago

Rampant adds new bitters. I know this can cause bugs as in new bitter do not drop loot. (same with the new rampant nests). I'm wondering if t has been tested with rampant and if you plan new compatibility in the future
thank for all!

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I'll see what I can do. It should work with new units; I'll have to see how Rampant does things.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I installed Rampant, turned on the new enemy types, and killed some of them. They dropped loot. Could you describe the circumstances where you didn't see loot, or provide a savefile?

4 years ago

Ok great. I was not playing with your mod. Just with some different mods that have loot drops (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/OnlyWarSciencePack). And rampant's new bitters didnt do the "loot" mechanic. So yeah thanks or the tests :D

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