Player Evolution

As you move around and work on this new planet, your body begins to adjust to the new environment and you find your self able to move, mine, and craft quicker, as well as reach places you couldn't reach before.

5 years ago
5 years ago
Latest Version:
1.0.0 (5 years ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
7 users

As you perform tasks in the world of Factorio, it makes sense that you would slowly improve at those tasks. After all, the biters are!

This mod slowly increases certain character aspects as you perform related actions:
Building distance
* Increases as you place buildings and (optionally) tiles
* By default, you'll have to place 10,000 entities to increase your building distance radius by 10

Crafting speed
* Increases as you craft items
* By default, you'll have to craft 4,000 items to increase your crafting speed by 800%

Mining speed
* Increases as you mine ores and entities (you must complete the mining operation and obtain a resource. So, if you're using a mod that essential turns ores into wells with a percent yield, you may not obtain an ore from ore patches with less than a 100% yield, and that mining operation will not count towards increasing your mining speed.)
* By default, you'll have to mine 2,000 ores or entities to increase your mining speed by 200%

Running speed
* Increases as you move around the map, unless you're in a vehicle
* By default, you will need to change position 100,000 times to increase your running speed 400%

You'll also get a new technology for resetting the boosts from this mod. The research takes 10 seconds to complete, which should give you enough time to cancel it if you so choose. The mod is keeping track of any changes that it's making, so it should be compatible with other mods that are modifying similar settings, and researching this tech will only remove the boosts that this mod has added.

- The default settings can be changed in the mod Map settings
- The default settings were determined by myself through a light amount of testing. I may change the default values in future versions depending on any feedback from the community
- Since this is my first mod, I'm not certain about the standard sorting order for new techs. I may adjust where the tech sits in the order of things based on feedback from the community